B.A.R.C. – Biotechnologies for Assisted Reproduction in Carnivores

B.A.R.C. is a study group linked to the E.V.S.S.A.R. whose principal objective is to establish a network between European laboratories dealing with Biotechnologies applied to Reproduction in Carnivores.

This network would allow :

  • the exchange of technical and scientific information in order to improve the efficiency of biotechnological procedures;
  • the high-lighting of specific competences in different laboratories;
  • the establishment of cooperation between laboratories for drawing up common research project;
  • the collaboration of reproductive programs aimed at the conservation of wild European Carnivores autochthonous to the area;
  • the updating of recent advancement in the field.

To achieve this goal, the B.A.R.C. study group promotes the following activities :

  • organization of workshops during annual and biannual meetings;
  • organization of visits in different laboratories for learning specific procedures (“A day in the lab”);
  • organization of technical-scientific courses on specific topics;
  • creation of a Forum and a mailing list on the website.

The B.A.R.C. study group, has close connections with CANDES – IETS parent committee on Companion animals, non-domestic & endangered species.

Contact person for this study group is :

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