The candidates for the open Board positions are:
- Anne VAN SOOM as Academic
Country of origin: Belgium
Current country: Belgium
- Hasan SONTAS as Pratictionner
Country of origin: Turkey
Current country: Austria
- Marko RADICEVIC as Pratictionner
Country of origin: Serbia
Current country: Serbia
Short CV and Motivation Letter
- Zuzanna NIEWIADOMSKA-MARQUETTE as Pratictionner
Country of origin: Poland
Current country: France
Electronic voting has been open during the 1st ESAR Symposium in Nantes.
The link to vote has been sent by email to all members who have paid their membership fee regularly.
If you haven’t received the email, please contact the president, Andrea Del Carro, at or
Please note that in order to be able to vote, you have to be a member of EVSSAR and your annual membership fee paid! You can only vote once and you have only one vote for each candidate!
We would like to inform you of an important update regarding the voting process for the proposed bylaws modifications. In order to ensure a fair and representative decision-making process, certain requirements have been established.
For the bylaws modifications to be valid, we will require the participation or representation of at least two- thirds of our members. This ensures that a significant majority of our membership has the opportunity to contribute to the decision.
Furthermore, the approval of the proposed modifications will require a four-fifths majority of the votes cast. All members of EVSSAR who are up to date with the payment of their membership fee will be eligible to vote. We encourage every eligible member to exercise their right to vote and have a say in shaping the future of our society.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to our President. The original text of EVSSAR Bylaws can be accessed on our website here.
Here are the details of the changes that we will ask you to vote on:
1. Paragraph 1.1:
1st line: Change “t” with “T”.
3rd line: Change “11, rue des frères Grislein 1400 Nivelles, Belgium” with “Chaussée de Bruxelles 484, 7850 Enghien, Belgium”.
2. Paragraph 6.1:
Last line: Change “Board members have to reside in an european country.” with “A minimum of six Board members have to reside in an European country. A country shall be considered European within the geographical borders of Europe.”
3. Paragraph 7.6 on page 7:
1st – 7th lines: Change “7.6. These five points require that at least two third of the members
are present or represented and the approval should be made by four fifths (4/5) of the votes:
• modification of the bylaws
• exclusion of a member
• dissolution of the society
• changes of the objectives of the society
• diminution of funds of the society.”
with “8.6. These four points require more than 50 % of the members voting, either by physical presence at the GA or by electronical voting and their approval require at least 75% of the votes to be executed:
• modifications of the bylaws
• exclusion of a member
• changes of the objectives of the society • reduction of funds of the society.”
4. Article 8:
1st line: Change “8” with “9”
2nd – 3rd lines: Change “at least two thirds of the members are present or represented and the
approval should be made by a majority of four fifths of the votes of the members present or represented.” with “at least fifty percent of the members have to be physically present or represented at
the GA and the approval should be made by a majority of three-fourths of their votes.”